These Are The Best Internet Media Sites To Leverage Your Business

If you already have an established business, you are always trying to find ways to make more money. Rather it is cost cutting measures or increasing your sales, you need to make more money for your business to survive and thrive. For this reason, you have to leverage various resources to accomplish your goal of making more money and I am here to help you do just that.


Youtube is a video sharing site that allows you to market visually to a mass swath of various communities across the net. If you have a how to video, you can market that how to video to acquire viewers and potential clients as well as other business people.

-It is scalable. The more people that view your video, the more chances you have to get clients. The problems with youtube though is that it may take time for your videos to go big. You also have to take into account that people may steal your videos and claim it for themselves.

It may take a while for your videos to pop off, depending on the topic at large. If you wish to have success on YouTube, you are going to have to be in it for the long haul.


Instagram is a photo sharing site that allows you to market to various people across the web. Just been to the beach? Take a picture and share it with friends and family. Just had an amazing lunch? Take a picture of that lunch and post it to your profile. If you wish to leverage your business for instagram, you need to learn how to post better pictures for your instagram as well as understanding who your audience is. Instagram’s primary demographics are celebrities, models, and other social professionals. If you are not in that primary demographic it may be harder for you to have success, but it is possible.


Facebook is a social media website where you can connect with friends and family. Although its membership has essentially peaked, you can still use facebook to advertise your business services and products to get customers. You can write long form content and do facebook ads to get people to your business.


Tiktok is a social media website that produces short form content. If you have a business you can produce short term content to get people to use your business. Unlike youtube, you can scale faster on tiktok, however, since tiktok uses short form content, your audience has lower attention and will be harder to retain as potential clients.


Linkedin is a social media website for professionals. This site is for professionals to connect with other professionals to network and gain opportunities. If you are in business, this is the perfect media site for you to market your goods and services to get people to buy.

Your Own Website

It does not matter if you have million of followers on various sites. What matters is if you have million of followers on your own website. If you are on youtube and your channel gets deleted, then you have lost millions of subscribers. If you have your own website, you can get an email list, make your own sales funnel, and then proceed to make offers to your own subscribers directly. Any website can expel you from their platform because you don’t own it, but you can own your platform and profit from it.

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