Best Economics Books

When you are trying to become successful in business it is important for you to understand economic, both on a micro as well as macro scale.  Whether it may be working as a mom or pop shop or a multinational conglomerate, it will be imperative that you understand the principals that govern the world around you to have success.  Without understanding economics, you will be hard press to have success with your business. 

To help with success in your business, I give to these books for you to purchase in order to have success

– Economix by Michael Goodwin, illustrated by Dan E. Burr (6th edition)

– Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science by Dani Rodrik

– Mankiw’s Essentials of Economics

Economix is a book that helps you understand economics through illustrations.  Those illustrations are explained in easy digestable information that allows you, the reader, to examine and apply economic ideas.  It goes through the history of various economic periods and concepts that can give you an idea on how to ensure that you better your business.  It is entertaining and worthwhile for you to purchase this book if you don’t have as much time or if you need to quickly access the information to help your business.  With this book, you cannot go wrong in reading or looking at the visualizations to get a better understanding of economics.

Economic rules by Dani Rodrik talks about how the models used in economics can be used for the right reasons, but can also be used haphazardly if used in all situations.  Think about having success in academics.  If you have success in academics, you can most likely have success economically in your life.  But just because you have success academically does not mean you will have success in athletics.  The same thing applies to economic models.  Some economic models can work in other areas of the economy, whereas in others, it will not work as successfully.

Mankiw’s essentials of economics is a book of to help you understand economics from a more formal & academic approach.  Many of times, you will have people search out sources to understand economics from either a political or social aim that may hinder their overall understanding on how to appropriately engage with economic concepts.  For that reason, I propose that you purchase this book that gives you a more rudimentary understanding on how economics works from both a macro and micro standpoint.  If you can read and comprehend on a high school level than this book will be of use for your endeavors.  

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